How to generate more website leads – StoryBrand Hack

How to generate more website leads - StoryBrand Hack [VIDEO]

Your Storybrand Hack to Generating More Website Leads

If you’ve been trying to capture more leads on your website but you’re not seeing much success, here are two things that you can do right now that’ll change all of that.

  • Consider your website visitors
  • Add a more than just a popup

    The first thing we need to consider is the reason somebody’s visiting your website. Nobody’s visiting your website to sign up to your newsletter. Hence the reason newsletters don’t work because nobody cares about your newsletter. Nobody wants more emails in their inbox.

However, if you can understand the reason somebody’s landing on your website, the problem that this consumer is facing, and what it is that they want as it relates to your product or service, and then build a lead generator to help them solve their problem and get closer to what they want.

That’s when you’ll have a massive uptake in the amount of leads generated from your website. Always keep your lead generator focused on the problem and help them be closer to what they want, the reason they are on your website.

Secondly, popups. Now popups, sure, they can work, they have their use cases, but I think in order to generate more leads, you need something a little bit more than just a popup. And if you’ve been observant so far, you’ll notice I’ve got a Facebook Messenger widget that pops up down the bottom.

Now, one of the challenges with popups, many people find them annoying. Why do they find them annoying? Because it pops up in the middle of your website and tries to solve the problem, you interrupt that user experience, and the visitor has to close out of it. And there’s a bit of frustration or a bit of overwhelm, even if it is just subconscious.

Also, many of your website visitors will have things like popup blockers. They may not even be seeing your message in the first place.

So, it’s worth considering or adding a Facebook Messenger widget. Facebook allows you to create these within its own ecosystem now. I use a product that’s called Mobile Monkey. There’s a free version that you can use, and it’s pretty easy to use.

So you can have a website widget. And what you’ll notice about this particular one is that it’s not annoying. It’s not interrupting the user experience. Now, if I want to close that so that I can have more views, I can close that, and I can go through and consume all the content and information that I want on this website without being interrupted.

Yet it stays there as effectively a constant popup reminding me that this information is here if the website can’t help me solve my problem, for whatever reason. That’s important.

Final Thoughts

Always focus your lead generator on the consumer problem, help them solve a problem and get closer to what they want. You’ll see more leads. Lead generators, such as “sign up to my newsletter” or “download a white paper,” won’t be good if it doesn’t help them solve their problem.

Consider something other than just a popup or a static form. As I said, bots are great because they’re more engaging, they’re automated. You don’t have to respond to each one individually. You can connect this Messenger widget to your CRM so the leads will automatically drop into MailChimp, Salesforce, or HubSpot and then you can automate a nurturing follow-up sequence.

So you can build a relationship and trust with that particular customer as they continue along their journey, hopefully to that path of purchase. So that’s it, there are the two tips. Good luck with that. Hope you collect more leads, hope it was helpful and happy StoryBranding.

Also read “Donald Miller Quotes: Building a Storybrand

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