Georgie from The Nutrition Chick is a Certified Health Coach. She works one on one with clients to help them rebook their pantry and also coach them to be happier and healthier.
"Before working with Results and Co I was struggling to build my website and really understand how to reach my audience, I spent months working every day refining my message, images and thoughts but it still just wasn't what I needed to change the game for me and that really frustrated me.
After working with R&Co, my message is now directly attuned to my audience's needs and pain points, I am finally speaking their language which is key to reaching them and getting them to push the button. I feel my message and website is so clear and consistent with my voice and brand.
It's an investment in myself and in getting to the results I wanted much faster which will help me reach more women in need of my services. I could have kept plugging away for another 6 months and may have gotten it right eventually but deciding to go with these guys really accelerated my time to market.
Thanks Naomi and James."
The Nutrition Chick – Georgie
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