Unlock Success With a Business Made Simple Coach | Certified StoryBrand Coach

Unlock Success With a Business Made Simple Coach | Results & Co

Strategy - Marketing - Management

You shouldn't be stuck, you're a visionary

When you’re the boss, you can feel like there’s no one you can call on for help and that you are meant to know it all. Let me give you a little hint…You’re not!

It’s ok to ask for help, especially from someone who has been where you want to go with a proven track record… James Hannan is that person.

Growing a business isn't easy

You don't need help for most of the
challenges you face each day

But there are some you do

Business Made Simple Coach | Certified StoryBrand Coach

The longer you leave a problem or stay stuck, the more it costs you.

These problems become a bottleneck to your growth and a road block to you being able to think clearly.

Henry Ford said:

“Don’t find fault, find a remedy.”

That’s what you do when you hire a business coach. 

I understand the struggle you face as a business owner and the multiple challenges that come your way, many of which you’ve never faced before.

After running my own successful businesses for over 21 years I have found there are some things we need help with and the sooner you receive help, the sooner you moving onto the next growth point in your business.

You Deserve To Acheive Success

over 21 years of coaching and business experience

What do you need?

High Level experience

Many coaches have never had any real world experience at running their own successful businesses and even less have succeeded in more than one.

Businesses I currently own and some scaled to over 7 figures:


Supplement distribution business in 5 countries turning over millions per year.

Health & Fitness

Thriving martial arts studio in my local town. Running part time (it's a passion of mine)

Marketing Agency

2 x Marketing Agencies specialising in StoryBrand scaled to over 7 figures.

Business Coaching

Clients all over the world.
21 years helping with
mindset & strategy.
Inspire Your Team with Business Motivational Speakers
"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol

Take your business to the level you want it

Start Being the ruler of your life and business again

There’s nothing like the momentum that is created when you, your team and your business is running at peak performance. Things become almost effortless, your energy increases and you love life more.

It’s time you experienced it.

Brand Message
Lead Generation & Sales

3 Steps to start Getting the results you know you should be getting


Schedule a call

Click the link and schedule a time for us to meet via zoom. We talk about the goals you have for your business and what you need.


Plan created

We work through each challenge, develop solutions and create a strategy for growth.


You grow

The roadblocks are removed and you start to create the growth you knew would come. 


You're Meant To Rule In Life & Business

The faster we work together, the faster you become unstuck.

FREE Download


Confidently create your Storybrand One-liner within minutes.

Leave your details below, and we will send them straight to you. They all increase their leads and sales as soon as we took them live.

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Get 40 Stunning StoryBrand Websites

Make designing your website a breeze and get the inspiration you need.

Leave your details below, and we will send them straight to you. They all increase their leads and sales as soon as we took them live.