StoryBrand Email Sequence, The anatomy of a winning nurture campaign

StoryBrand Email Sequence, The anatomy of a winning nurture campaign

Do you feel like you must walk through each email whenever you have to deliver a Storybrand email sequence to a client? 

Are you running out of ideas on what to write for each one?

Are you struggling to write subject lines that will get your customers to click and act on your desired outcome?

It shouldn’t be that way!

This article is for you if you find it challenging to compose an email sequence. Learn how to improve and win your nurture campaign emails and convert leads into long-term customers. 

Top 5 Considerations When Creating a Storybrand Email Sequence

  • Send your emails as plain text.
  • Create a snappy subject line, first line, and last line.
  • Don’t sell directly.
  • Make it short.
  • Add a link to your blog or website.

considerations when creating a Storybrand email sequence

Following these pointers ensures that your emails will have a high chance of landing in your potential customers’ inboxes, and they will click and read them. Therefore, if you want to create a winning nurture campaign, read the following.

Send Your Emails as Plain Text

Write the links; don’t use anchor texts to embed them. Also, don’t include graphics or formatting. These elements are the usual reasons why email providers flag an email as spam; it is what you don’t want to happen to those you send your leads. 

Plain text emails have a higher open rate than those HTML-pretty ones. These elements might make your emails look good, but it’s not what you do if your priority is to get a higher open rate. Your campaigns won’t be good if the email provider tags you as spam. 

Create a Snappy Subject Line, First Line, and Last Line

Even if your emails have successfully landed in your leads’ inboxes, there’s still a high chance that they would still ignore them. 

Even if you have the best-written storybrand email sequence on the planet, your leads would leave your emails unread or in the trash if they find them uninteresting. 

Take your time creating a catchy subject line.

The subject line is the first part of your email that your leads will see in the preview pane. It will determine whether or not your email gets opened. 

Get inspiration from magazine headlines. Arouse your target customers’ curiosity. Find out what will make your subject line intriguing without click-baiting. 

The best way to make your emails compelling is to identify your customer’s problem. 

Introducing a problem draws your leads into reading the body of your email. If they feel connected or can relate to your email, they will read the first line, and you will get the chance that they will read the rest of your email. 

Here’s an example of how to do it. 

“Need a family holiday? Here’s how you can get a five-night escape for free.”

Say you’re a marketer selling pool slide products. When a customer buys any of your brand’s pool equipment, the customer will get a free five-night vacation.

Here’s another example:

How to get your kids off their devices this summer?

At first glance, you would think it has nothing to do with pools. But it is, and it is a compelling copy that adds value and positions your brand.  

Besides the subject line, you must also make your email’s first and last lines catchy. 

Sadly, 85% of your readers won’t read the entire part of your emails. They would scan them. The most-read details are the first and last lines. That’s why you should make them catchy by sparking their curiosity. 

Don’t Sell Directly

Various brands and businesses nowadays send product-featured and call-to-action-driven emails. You can read several “order now” or “call now to order.” 

But if you want your customers to read your emails, give them a reason to do it. Instead of asking for sales, provide them with something valuable. Examples are tips, hacks, and freebies, such as giving your prospects tips about the cool things they can do to get the most out of their pool.

As a marketer, it is your job to ensure that your brand stays on top of your customer’s minds through emails and be the first brand they think about when they’re ready to buy. It’s about getting into their inbox, not being annoying, giving value, and subtly asking for sales. 

Make It Short 

Nobody likes to read a novel-length email. Think about how your prospects will see these emails in their preview pane.

If you were in their shoes, would you open these emails?

If you get 50 emails overnight, you’ll read the ones you find interesting and short. You’ll read the long and overwhelming ones last, if not at all.

Add a Link to Your Blog or Website

If your prospects need to read long information, link to a blog instead. Choose or write a blog that will provide the solution to your prospect’s problem. Writing a blog will also help your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO).  

One benefit of linking back to your website’s blog is that you’ll get additional traffic, a search rank indicator for Google. It will allow you to outrank your competitors. Also, the more time somebody visits your website, the greater the chance of a conversion.

Creating a Storybrand email sequence is like introducing an interest-free payment plan. 

If your prospects haven’t purchased your product yet by the 8th email sequence. Send a short email with a link to a blog. 

If the consumer’s still not buying or making any transaction after 11 emails, add some statements like:

“You’ve been with us for some time. Click on the product you’re interested in, and we’ll tell you if it’s in stock.” 

Note that there’s still no direct selling. 

It’s like a lead generator within a lead generator. If your prospects click on a product, it only tells you they are still interested, and you can send a follow-up email. This email can be an offer-driven email or a discount-driven email. 

For more inquiries on how you can set up your Storybrand email sequence, schedule a call with us.

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