9 Cost-Effective SEO Tips for Small Businesses:  With Bonus Tips

Getting noticed online is the first step to attracting more customers and growing your business. And knowing the right SEO tips for small businesses will help you get you there.

You work tirelessly to build great products and services, only to feel invisible and be met with disappointing and frustrating results. 

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It shows a huge gap in how big businesses use digital marketing, as many small to medium enterprises (SMEs) miss the opportunity to be visible online and get more customers. 

How SEO for Small Businesses Differs from SEO for Big Companies

Understanding and implementing the right SEO strategies can feel daunting, especially when big companies seem to dominate the online space. 

However, this doesn’t mean that small business owners like you can’t find ways to compete in the SEO world.

There are advantages to being a small company, as you have the flexibility to adapt quickly when there’s a big update on a search engine. 

Unlike big corporations with tons of web pages and localized sites, you can make changes on your site faster and easier. 

You can focus on more specific, local keywords, creating a connection with your immediate community; whereas bigger companies have a wider focus 


“It’s about finding your niche and making the most of it.”

While big companies might have more resources, small businesses can create meaningful, engaging content.

You can create content that resonates with your specific audience, fostering loyalty and a strong online presence.

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9 Easy Tips to DIY SEO for Your Business

Implementing SEO is easier than you think. 

While many businesses choose to get an expert SEO agency such as Results and Co. to do it for them, it is possible to do it yourself.

Below are the eight easy DIY SEO tips for small businesses that don’t require expert knowledge or a big budget. 

1. Focus on Local SEO

Local SEO is a branch of SEO that is invaluable for small businesses, and the good news is that it can be done for free. 

The first step is to make the most of Google Business Profile (also known as Google My Business)

This platform is free and key to local SEO. Simply set up your profile and then optimize it. 

Include the right keywords that reflect your business and location, add quality images, and create engaging, informative content about your services.

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The next step is to build links from related and reputable online directory websites to your website. 

Yelp is one of the best examples to build links from; linking to sites like this not only increases your online presence but also builds your credibility with search engines.

For small businesses, prioritizing local SEO is essential. 

It involves incorporating location-specific keywords into your content. This strategy helps people in your area discover your business when they search for the services you offer. 

Here is an example:

Our client, The Footwork Clinic, successfully ranks at the top in the local map pack on search engine results pages for the keyword “Foot clinic in New South Wales“.

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Bonus Tip: How to Set Up Google Business Profile

1. Set up Your Profile

Go to the Google Business Profile website and start setting up your profile by clicking “Start now” or “Manage now”.

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2. Create or Log Into Your Google Account

Use a Google Account associated with your business for this process. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create it.

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3. Enter Business Information

Provide your business name, address, and the category that best describes your business.

Make sure the business name and address match exactly with your official business details.

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4. Specify Your Business Type 

Indicate whether you have a physical location customers can visit (Local store) or not.

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5. Add Contact Details

Include your business phone number and website.

If you don’t have a website, consider setting one up as it can enhance your profile’s effectiveness.

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6. Verification

Verify your business through one of the methods offered by Google, like postcard verification, phone, email, or instant verification through Google Search Console. 

This is a crucial step to make your business profile active.

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7. Complete Your Profile

Add detailed information such as services offered, business hours, and a business description.

Use this opportunity to highlight what makes your business unique.

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8. Optimize your Google Business Profile

You can do this by:

• Adding real images of your business, including a cover photo and logo, to make your profile more appealing. 


• Requesting reviews from your customers and responding to them, both positive and negative, to show that you value customer feedback. 


• Regularly updating your profile and post news, updates, or offers.


• Use relevant keywords in your profile, but avoid keyword stuffing, to improve your visibility in searches.

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2. Ensuring Excellent User Experience on Your Website

When it comes to SEO for small businesses, providing an excellent user experience on your website is crucial.


This not only helps in retaining visitors but also significantly boosts your SEO efforts.

• Consider the loading speed of your website

If your site takes too long to load, visitors are likely to lose patience and may move on to a competitor’s faster site. 


Quick loading times are essential – it’s the fastest way to keep potential customers from leaving your site. 


Optimizing images, minimizing code, and using fast hosting services can help improve loading speeds.


• Focus on the design and navigation of your website.


A user-friendly design ensures that visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.


Your website should have a clear structure, and important information or services should be accessible within a maximum of three clicks.


For example, from the homepage, a visitor should be able to easily navigate to a product page and then proceed to the checkout page without any confusion.


• Pay attention to the visual elements.


Ensure that your call-to-action buttons are easy to find.


They should guide visitors naturally through your site, from learning about your services or products to making a purchase or getting in touch.


Implementing these SEO tips for small businesses not only enhances user experience but also signals to search engines that your site is valuable, relevant, and worth ranking. 

Bonus Tip: How to Use Pagespeed Insights

• Go to pagespeed.web.dev 


Input the URL of the web page you want to analyze. Click “Analyze” to start the evaluation process.


After a few seconds, you will see a report showing the overall performance score and a breakdown of various categories.


• Analyze the Report


The report is divided into several sections, including Performance Score, Field Data, Origin Summary, Lab Data, Opportunities, Diagnostics, and Passed Audits.


Scores above 90 are considered good. However, aiming for a 100/100 score is not necessary. The focus should be on the recommendations provided by the tool rather than just the score.


3. Utilize Free SEO Tools

Effective SEO doesn’t have to be expensive. For small businesses looking to improve their online presence, there are many free tools available. 

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Here’s a breakdown of some essential tools and how they can be used:


• Google Search Console:


This tool helps you monitor your website’s performance in Google search results.


It provides insights into which queries bring users to your site, and the more popular pages, and identifies issues that Google has with accessing and indexing your pages.


(Also read 3 Easy Steps on How to Set Up Google Console for the First Time)


• Google Analytics:


This is crucial for understanding your website’s traffic and customer behavior. You can see where your visitors come from, how long they stay on your site, and what actions they take.


(Also read 5 Easy Steps on How to Set Up Google Analytics for the First Time)


Free Keyword Research Tools:


• Search Engines: Simply searching in Google can give you an idea of popular keywords and phrases.


You’ll see them under the Related Searches and People Also Asked sections. 


• Google Keyword Planner: Great for finding keywords relevant to your business.


• Google Trends: Useful for understanding the popularity and seasonality of search terms.


Competitor Analysis Tools:


• SEO Quake Extension: This browser extension provides SEO-related information about the websites you visit, including your competitors.


• Ahrefs SEO Toolbar: Offers insights on some of a website’s SEO metrics, content metadata, and index-ability.


• Google Alerts: Keep track of your competitors’ online mentions.


• SEObility: A free tool for checking your competitor’s backlinks.


Website Audit Tools:


• SEOptimer: Offers a free website audit. It also provides free tools like a code minimizer for faster page loading and backlink checker.


On-Page Optimisation Tools:


• Rankmath or Yoast (Free or Pro Plan): These tools are particularly helpful for startups.

They help create and edit automated robot.txt and sitemap, and check if your content is SEO-friendly.


You can also take advantage of premium tools that offer free plans or trials. Just be mindful to cancel before any charges if you decide not to continue with the service.

Applying these SEO tips for small businesses, you can enhance your website’s visibility and search engine ranking without the high costs.

4. Using Reverse Engineering in SEO

In SEO marketing for small businesses, one effective strategy is to learn from your top-ranking competitors.

Analyze the strategies of competitors who appear on the first page of search engine results, and apply their strategies that work or even improve them.

Here are four ways you can use reverse engineering in your SEO strategy:

Analyze Competitor Keywords

Use the free tools mentioned above to find out which keywords your competitors are targeting. 

Understanding their keyword strategy can give you insights into what could work for your business too.

• Bonus tip: How to Spy on Your Competitor’s Possible Keywords Using SEOquake

    1. Install SEOquake Chrome Extension Tool

    2. Right-click on Your Competitor’s Page or Post

    3. Select SEOquake > Density
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Check Backlinks

Discover which authoritative third-party websites are linking to your competitors’ pages. This will help you identify relevant websites for your outreach efforts.

Analyze the content on your competitors’ pages where the backlinks are placed, and understand why these websites chose to link to your competitors.

If you have existing content that addresses similar topics, make sure it’s the best it can be. If not, consider creating new, high-quality content that fills this gap.

Reach out to third-party websites and propose your content as a valuable alternative or addition to what they currently link to.

Backlinks are a vital part of SEO, and knowing where your competitors are getting theirs can help you identify potential opportunities for your site.

• Bonus Tip: How to Check Your Competitor’s Backlinks Using SEObility
    1. Create a Free Account

    2. Go to the Backlink Checker Tool

    3. Enter Your Competitor’s URL
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Study Their Website

Visit your competitor’s websites and take note of what they’re doing well. 

Look at their content, layout, user experience, and any unique features they might have. This can reveal areas where they have an edge over you.

Learn from Their Strengths and Weaknesses

Identify what your competitors are doing right and what they could improve on. 

Implement their effective strategies in your business and learn from their mistakes to avoid making the same ones.

Note: The goal of reverse engineering in SEO isn’t to copy your competitors but to learn from their successes and failures and become better. 

By understanding what works for them, you can adapt and refine these strategies to fit your unique business context. 

This approach can be a powerful part of your overall SEO marketing strategy for your small business.

5. Conducting Thorough Keyword Research

As discussed in our SEO marketing guide, keywords can be categorized by intent and length.

Understanding these types will help you target your audience more effectively.

Keywords by Intent: These are based on what your target audience is looking for.

• Informational: Used when people are just looking for information.

• Navigational
: When someone is searching for a specific brand or website.


• Commercial: These keywords are used when someone is comparing products or wants to know more before making a decision.


• Transactional: Used when a user has a clear intention to buy a product or service.


Select keywords based on where your target audience is in the sales funnel. 

If they are at the beginning stages, focus on informational keywords. As they move closer to a purchase, shift towards more transactional keywords.

Also, consider the Keyword Length:

• Short-tail Keywords:


These are broad and often highly competitive. Examples include “shoes” or “coffee shops”.


• Long-tail Keywords:

More specific and less competitive. An example is “women’s running shoes for flat feet”.


Small businesses should use long-tail keywords in creating content, although these have lower search volumes, they are easier to rank for. 

You can use short-tail keywords, but mostly for pillar content. 

By conducting thorough keyword research, you’re laying a strong foundation for your SEO efforts. 

Your goal is to connect with your target audience by aligning your content with their search intent. 

This is one of the most essential SEO tips for small businesses to increase online visibility and attract more relevant traffic.

• Bonus Tip: 8 Steps On How To Do Keyword Research Using Google Keyword Planner

    1. Access Google Keyword Planner Through Google Ads 

First, you need a Google Ads account. Once you have that, access Google Keyword Planner through your Google Ads account.

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  1. Click “Skip Campaign Creation” (optional)

If you will use Google Ads just for the Keyword Planner, click “Skip Campaign Creation” after you sign in with your Google Account. 

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  1. You Now Have Access to the Keyword Planner Tool

Click Tools > Planning > Keyword Planner

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  1. Choose Your Tool

In Keyword Planner, you have options like ‘Discover New Keywords’ or ‘Get Search Volumes and Forecasts’. 

If you want to find related and new keywords to your product or service, click ‘Discover New Keywords.’ 

If you already have keywords at hand and simply want to know how many people are searching for those keywords, click “Get Search Volumes and Forecasts.’

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  1. Enter Your Search Terms 

Let’s say you want to discover new keywords. Input keywords related to your business or industry to get ideas. 

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  1. Analyze the Keyword Ideas Section

Here you’ll find data like average monthly searches, competition level, and top-of-page bids. 

It’s important to understand that ‘Competition’ here refers to the competition level in Google Ads, not organic search.

However, this will give you an idea of which keywords your target audience frequently uses.

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  1. Filter and Sort the Results 

Use the various filtering options to refine your search. You can filter by location, language, and search networks.

The ‘Average Monthly Searches’ column shows a range of search volumes for each keyword, which gives an estimate of their popularity.

You can also remove keywords associated with known brands or competitors, making your list more relevant to your specific needs.

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  1. Choose the Right Keywords for Your SEO Campaigns 

Look for keywords that are not too competitive but still have a good number of searches. Stay away from keywords that are too general or might be searched for different reasons. 

For instance, in the image below, “ocean seafood” and “fish shack” may look like great options because they get 100-1K searches a month and have less competition.


However, they could also be used by people who just want information about ocean seafood or want to buy from a fish shack and are not interested in finding a restaurant. 

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6. Creating Useful and Engaging Content for Your Audience

When it comes to business SEO, one of the most effective strategies is creating content that genuinely serves your users’ needs. 

Here’s how you can make your content both useful and engaging:

• Understand User Intent:


Your content should directly address the reasons users visit your page. If they’re looking for information, provide clear, concise answers.


If they’re interested in your services or products, ensure your content thoroughly explains what you offer and why it’s beneficial.


• Incorporate Media:


Your content should directly address the reasons users visit your page. If they’re looking for information, provide clear, concise answers.


Use relevant photos and videos to make your content more appealing. Visual elements can break up text, illustrate points, and keep the reader engaged.


• Focus on Design and Readability:


The visual layout of your page matters. Ensure your content has sufficient spacing between paragraphs and is easy on the eyes.


A well-designed page encourages visitors to stay longer and engage more with your content.


• Be Cautious with AI-Generated Content:


While AI can be a tool for creating bulk content, especially for those managing SEO solo, it’s important to use it wisely.


Always review AI-generated content for plagiarism and accuracy. Google prioritizes unique, high-quality content, so it’s crucial to offer something valuable and original.


If you use AI for search engine optimization, tailor the content to add unique insights or perspectives not commonly found elsewhere.


• Add Schema Markup:


Enhance your content’s visibility and clarity in search results by implementing schema markup.


This SEO technique helps search engines understand the context of your content, potentially leading to richer search results.


For instance, adding schema for articles, events, or product information can provide more detailed snippets in search results.


This makes your content more attractive to users and potentially increases click-through rates.


The key to successful business SEO is to create content that meets your audience’s needs while being engaging and unique. 

By focusing on these elements, you improve your site’s SEO and build trust and authority with your audience.

7. Securing High-Authority Backlinks

For small business owners, securing high-authority backlinks is a key part of effective SEO, but it can be more challenging compared to larger companies. 

However, with the right approach, it’s certainly achievable. Here are some SEO tips for small businesses to gain valuable backlinks:

• Invest in Premium Tools (Optional):


Consider using premium SEO tools to discover potential backlinks.


These tools can help you identify and reach out to websites that are relevant to your business. While this involves investment, it can save time and streamline the process.


• Manual Outreach:


If you prefer not to invest in tools, you can manually search for potential backlink opportunities. 


Look at the websites linking to your competitors and consider reaching out to them. Send personalized emails requesting a link back to your site. 


Ensure that the content you’re asking them to link to is of high quality and offers more value than your competitor’s content.


• Leverage Social Media and Online Directories:


Create profiles on relevant social media platforms and online business directories and include your website link in these profiles. 


While the traffic coming from these links will not influence your search rankings, they still help increase your online presence.


Links from these platforms can also help you get more authoritative backlinks.


• Quality Over Quantity:


Focus on the quality of your backlinks rather than the quantity. 


One high-quality backlink from a reputable site is worth more than several low-quality links.


• Build Relationships:


Networking and building relationships within your industry can also lead to backlink opportunities. 


Engage with industry leaders, participate in community discussions, and consider collaborative projects that can result in natural backlinks.


Whether you’re reaching out to websites manually or using tools to streamline the process, ensure your content stands out for its quality and relevance. 


Securing high-authority backlinks takes time and effort, but it’s a vital component of successful SEO for small businesses.

8. Regular Website Checkups to Address Issues

Conducting regular checkups on your website is a crucial part of SEO for companies. It’s about ensuring everything is functioning correctly and efficiently.


Here’s how and why you should make website audits a regular practice:

• Identify and Fix Hidden Issues:


Regular audits allow you to spot and resolve problems that might not be immediately obvious.


These could be broken links, slow-loading pages, or outdated content – all of which can negatively impact your SEO.


• Use Free Tools Like SEOptimer:


SEOptimer offers free website audits, making this process accessible for all business sizes.


It not only identifies issues but also provides recommendations on what actions to take to optimize your website.


This can include suggestions on improving content, enhancing technical performance, and boosting overall user experience.


• Stay Updated with SEO Best Practices:


SEO is always evolving. Regular audits ensure that your website stays in line with the latest SEO best practices.


This means staying ahead of algorithm changes, adapting to new trends, and making necessary updates to maintain or improve your search rankings.


• Enhance User Experience:


Regular audits help ensure that your website offers a smooth and enjoyable experience for visitors.

A well-functioning website is more likely to retain visitors and convert them into customers.


• Monitor Website Performance:


Regular checkups give you insights into your website’s performance.

You can track improvements over time and see the impact of the changes you implement.

Incorporating regular website audits into your SEO strategy is essential for maintaining a healthy, competitive, and high-performing website. 

It’s a proactive approach to identify potential problems before they become serious issues and to continuously refine and improve your website’s SEO.

9. Consider Outsourcing for SEO

Managing SEO can be overwhelming, especially for small business owners who already have a lot on their plates. 

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Here’s why outsourcing your SEO is a smart move:

• Time-Effective:


Running a business is time-consuming enough without having to worry about SEO.


Outsourcing frees up your schedule, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your business.


• Professional Expertise:


SEO professionals have the skills and experience to ensure your SEO is done right.


They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithm changes, which is crucial for effective SEO.


• Access to Premium Tools:


Professional SEO services often have access to advanced tools and resources.


These tools can perform tasks more efficiently and effectively, from keyword research to backlink analysis.


• Peace of Mind:


Knowing that your SEO is in capable hands gives you peace of mind.


Professionals handle everything from planning content to requesting backlinks, ensuring that your SEO strategy is both effective and up-to-date.


• Discover New Opportunities:


SEO experts can offer insights and strategies you might not have considered.


They can identify new opportunities for your business to grow online.

If you’re considering outsourcing your SEO or simply seeking more SEO tips for your small business, schedule a free consultation


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